Page name: X-Men Center 3rd [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-06-17 16:44:48
Last author: CuteCommander
Owner: Figgy
# of watchers: 23
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The long hall leads to the female students' dorms. The southern edge of the hall is home to a pair of elevators leading to the various floors. To the left is the X-Men Kitchen 3rd, which is a frequent destination to many students, along with the X-Men West 3rd hall, where the dorms from 301 to 308 are held. On the right side is the X-Men Lounge, where the students can relax and hang out, and the X-Men East 3rd, where the remaining dorms 309 to 316 can be found. At the top of the hall is a set of stairs leading down to the X-Men Center 2nd and male dorms as well as a set of stairs leading up to the mansion roof.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

Coming down the stairs from the roof, Rook's steps were silent despite his speed of descent. He paused at the bottom stair to look upwards before stepping down one last time and waiting to the side for Gavin to appear.

It was only a second before the clicking of Gavin's talons could be heard. Skipping every other stair, the bird-boy was quickly beside Rook, giving him a smile like nothing happened. "Sooooo, pretzels and lemonade for you, right?"

Nadine stepped into the center hall and paused when she saw the boys. "Oh... hey Rook." She said after a moments hesitation, a little caught off guard by the appearence of other people when she'd thought most people were in bed already. "Hi Gavin." She then added, realizing she'd left the feathered boy out in her initial greeting. Not sure what else to say, she offered them a nervous smile and awkward wave before heading into the X-Men Kitchen 3rd.

Watching as Nadine passed by, Rook didn't even wave. He was in an ill temper and nothing at the moment was going to help. Gavin's words sank in after a moment and he nodded, choosing to stare sullenly at the floor rather than look at anyone else. The sudden anger at the girl upstairs was unexpected and Rook wasn't sure what to do with it all. He didn't really get angry. That was more a Gavin thing.

Gavin absently waved a hand at Nadine when a thought crossed his mind. People. In the kitchen. Probably not a good idea. Maybe walking down the stairs to the cafeteria instead would help Rook cool down? "So what's your deal with chocolate, anyways?" The feathered teen turned towards the stairs to X-Men Center 2nd and walked in his usual confident stride--except this time he peeked over his shoulder to make sure Rook was following instead of just assuming he would.

Rook usually took the stairs, so unsurprisingly he went right for them. He secretly wanted to get to his room and raid his stash of non-dairy goodies he had hidden in his room. Gavin might not follow though. "I am allergic to milk," he said quietly, his accent becoming a little more pronounced since he wasn't focusing on enunciating like he usually did. Rook started down the stairs to X-Men Center 2nd without any more words.

"Really? Huh..." Gavin continued to X-Men Center 2nd, mentally crossing off dairy items from the list of goodies he wanted to push on introduce Rook to.

Leaving the hall that led to her room, Flame paused before she headed down the stairs, unsure if Shana would already be at Xavier's office working, or doing her own thing and was else where on the grounds, or out at town. Short of calling on Danger, and rather leaving that until needed, she headed down the stairs to X-Men Center 2nd.

Faro came out of the kitchen and headed for the elevator. She hit the call button, and when it arrived she lounged at the doorway with her foot against the gap where the doors slid out to prevent them from closing while she waited on the others.

'You maybe wanna take a dip in the lake?' Valerie asked as she slipped out of the doorway from the X-Men Kitchen 3rd, and after she located Faro by the elevators. Flashing her friend a smile, she sidled-up to brunette, her eyebrows raised questioningly as she awaited a response.

Mark zipped into the elevator with surprising speed in his chair. Thinking the question was for him Mark cast his gaze away for a bit to hide the disgust of the though of all the bacteria and microbes that could bne in that lake. "Im not the best swimmer, though my exo suit arms and legs are water proof."

Hurrying behind Mark so that she didn't keep Faro and Valerie waiting, Nadine scooted into the elevator just in time to catch their conversation about swimming in the lake. "I like swimming." She added quietly. Which was actually an understatement. Nadine loved to swim, she had been one of the best swimmers on her team and would still be doing it if not for the sudden manifestation of her powers while she was in the pool at school.

Faro was about to answer Valerie when the others came through. She couldn't help but smile at the mix-up. When the others were done she turned to Val. "I think I've had enough of swimming today," she said quietly. "But if it gets quieter I might join you for a dip." She stepped into the lift with the other two and waited for Valerie to join them.

Valerie cast Nadine a bright smile as she commented about liking swimming, and she did the same to Mark when he mentioned the constraints of his exo-something-or-other. 'Well, maybe we can pl--uhhh,' she started to say, but playing games ended poorly last time. 'Whatever you want to do!' the blonde then chirped to Faro, changing the topic suddenly and awkwardly, hoping to keep the other young woman's spirits up, although she did add within reason as a mental side-note. Slipping in with the others, Val jabbed at the down button, and the elevator descended to the X-Men Center 1st.

As the lift took them to X-Men Center 1st, Faro gave Val an appreciative smile.

X-Men Center 2nd (via stairs, elevator)
X-Men Center 1st (via elevator)
X-Men Complex 2nd (via elevator)
X-Men Complex South (via elevator)
X-Men Basement (via elevator)
X-Men Kitchen 3rd
X-Men Lounge
X-Men West 3rd
X-Men East 3rd
X-Men Mansion Roof

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2012-09-06 [Figgy]: Oh my god, yes, Casper's gonna see Flame.

I have to do something funny.

2012-09-09 [Duredhel]: No limbo please.

2012-11-02 [Flisky]: Now I'm curious as to who is going on a date with her. XD (Yes, I totally want Mihir in on this...But I'm a sucker for Val and Mihir.)

2012-11-02 [Ms. Steel]: Awww

2012-11-08 [Duredhel]: I'm gonna leave Dani in limbo for a bit until the issue with Val is resolved, don't want her walking in during drama.

2012-11-09 [Duredhel]: Ok, moving Dani now.

2012-12-27 [XxTsomexX]: Zeke followed Tobias through the hall, his slow pace as he sniffed annoying her slightly. She shoved her hands in her short pockets as she followed the dog down the stairs to X-men Center 2nd.

2012-12-30 [The Black Goat]: lol

Dani:"Why is it I like Caleb so much again?"

Caleb: *locks eyes with her*

Dani: "oh yeah! Caleb's such a great guy!"

2013-01-01 [Duredhel]: Yah I figured Caleb's power should degrade over time >:3 so as he gets more people in his spell, he might end up running around doing 'upkeep'. Imma just stash Dani in her room till it's time for the date.

2013-01-01 [The Black Goat]: And everyone will think he just a very friendly guy lol

that works, caleb is sleeping =P

2013-02-19 [twitchboy]: doesnt addy have to get something like she said in the cafe?

2013-02-19 [Flisky]: Yeah. Her bag in her room.

2013-02-19 [twitchboy]: lets go grab that then

2013-02-20 [The Black Goat]: Will post today guys

2013-02-20 [Flisky]: I've been posting extremely slow so you don't get left too far behind.

2013-02-20 [The Black Goat]: I'm sooorrrryy I have to wait until I get home

2013-02-22 [Figgy]: Nox - Isabella

2013-02-22 [Flisky]: And BAM! Addy suddenly gets very popular! XD

2013-02-24 [Figgy]: Lexi here?

2013-02-24 [Ms. Steel]: At first I was like, yeah, what?

And then I was, like... oh...

2013-02-24 [Figgy]: XD

2013-02-25 [Evolution X]: So... who needs to post here?

2013-02-25 [Flisky]: I'm waiting for twitch to post...I'll give it one more day before I post.

2013-02-26 [twitchboy]: oh i was waiting for you lol, sorry i was wrong on rotation

2013-02-26 [twitchboy]: daww glomp blocked

2013-02-27 [Evolution X]: Tim?

2013-02-28 [The Past]: Different time zones ;) got to give me a chance to actually be home to post.

2013-03-01 [The Past]: Dont have a huge amount to add I think to the scene, so Addy can go ahead.

2013-03-02 [twitchboy]: so now we wait for endy?

2013-03-02 [Flisky]: You can have Lexi post and I'll have Tory lead the rest downstairs.

2013-03-03 [Duredhel]:
Addy: The fact that Rage treated her almost completely normal threw her off. There hadn't been a reaction.

Lire: She could tell Addy was thrown by her lack of reaction and she smiled.

Wtf O,o. Guys, watch the metagaming, PLEASE. From Lire & Mihir to this, it's all been kind of.. sub-par and riddled with meta. Your character cannot read the other person's posts, cannot know what the other char is thinking. Like... I understand if the other person's expression shows they're upset, the character can infer they're upset, but not.

- 'He felt lonely'

- "Somehow, I am guessing you are feeling lonely, for some reason." she said.'

You guys have been doing it a lot XD, just be careful with that.

2013-03-03 [Lirerial]: Combined with the first post and this one I thought it was enough to assume that. Sorry :p

2013-03-03 [Figgy]: She could've realized something was amiss, yes, but it wouldn't necessarily be that she noticed Addy was shocked very specifically because Rage treated her normally. It just doesn't work.

2013-03-03 [Duredhel]: It's ok, sometimes one cannot notice one is doing it :O and it's part of improvement. If you want to include your character implying something or inferring something, explain what his/her reasoning is :>

For example in the Den, Shade ran into Tory. Shade didn't know if he was supposed to know Tory or not.

The normal thing would be to assume he didn't know her, so I had to justify Shade thinking he might have known her before (he had a different 'persona' years ago XD).

In orde to justify him thinking in such a weird way, I used to fact that Tory seems a bit old to be a new student so he might have known her before.(keep in mind most students are supposed to get to the mansion in their early teens XD, regardless of the chars we've gotten)

2013-03-04 [Lirerial]: ok, changed it. Sorry it took me so long lol

2013-03-05 [twitchboy]: we wait for endy?

2013-03-05 [Flisky]: Umm...I guess we could...

2013-03-05 [Figgy]: Guys, Tsome said she won't be posting for a while. I wouldn't wait, lest you freeze the RP.

2013-03-05 [Flisky]: They're stuck in this hall until Endelyn gets there...*sigh*

2013-03-05 [Figgy]: ... Have Addy have to go do something? XD Make up some BS.

2013-03-05 [Flisky]: Um...short of someone texting her for help, I don't know what to do with her...

2013-03-05 [~Valkyrie~]: Have her stare at the other furry. :p

2013-03-05 [~Valkyrie~]: I read all that right, didn't I? Addy is in there with...Lexi?

2013-03-05 [Duredhel]: Yes :O, they should be.

2013-03-05 [~Valkyrie~]: But sad day, go figure I finally get to interact with people and computers are broken. :/ Poor Flisk.

2013-03-06 [Flisky]: I think twitch needs to post.

2013-03-06 [~Valkyrie~]: *pokes twitch* :p

2013-03-08 [~Valkyrie~]: ...Do you think that's sufficient time for Kiora to come back after dropping her bag in her room, or should I wait for another post or two?

2013-03-08 [Figgy]: Eh, that's fine.

2013-03-08 [~Valkyrie~]: Cool, I've been trying So hard to be patient, lol

2013-03-08 [Figgy]: Mm, timing doesn't have to be perfect in the RP. It really doesn't matter all too much how events fall together in terms of time if they take place in different areas, so don't worry so much about waiting.

2013-03-08 [~Valkyrie~]: Okay :)

2013-03-08 [Flisky]: Awww. Lire getting all possessive over Mihir. XD

2013-03-08 [Lirerial]: if Kiora makes any type of eye contact with Lire she freezes....

2013-03-08 [Duredhel]: I'm surprised the idea of fuck buddies bleeds over towards jealousy within the hour in Lire XD. Specially since we've been told she's used to doing the whole casual sex thing.

2013-03-08 [~Valkyrie~]: Ah, I didn't realize that. Hmm... I'm gonna say she doesn't make eye contact. She's in a hurry and she's not really up on her etiquette.

2013-03-08 [Lirerial]: Possessiveness and jealousy are 2 different things. She's supposed to be good friends with him in addition to the fwb, I don't see anything wrong with her being a little possessive over her friends.

2013-03-08 [Figgy]: Wut's 'pique in' precious?

2013-03-08 [Lepellier]: Damn my foul vocabulary!!!

2013-03-10 [The Black Goat]: Ive been like that before, a kind of "well I don't want to date you and I'm not ever going to, but I don't want anyone else to date you either!" but it was a very selfish kind of thing, like if he had another girl he'd give me less attention, and I liked his attention =P

2013-03-12 [twitchboy]: well damn, i threw Flisk a curve ball and she knocked it out of the park, well played

2013-03-12 [Flisky]: ^_^ I didn't even realize that it was a curve ball, oddly enough.

2013-03-12 [twitchboy]: just lexi's reaction

2013-03-12 [Figgy]: Nathan

2013-03-14 [twitchboy]: Since lexi is basically riding Addy's arm i just let her post first

2013-03-15 [Flisky]: Lep? Twitch? Anyone?

2013-03-15 [Lepellier]: I was waiting on a Lexi post.

2013-03-16 [twitchboy]: well lexi is basically clinging to addy and justin is attached to Nathan, no one has posted an exit link neither of them can leave without addy or nathan doing so

2013-03-18 [CuteCommander]: Is Catherine still leaning against the wall?

2013-03-18 [Figgy]: Yes.

2013-03-18 [CuteCommander]: And Isabelle? Has she gone yet or is she just standing in the elevator?

2013-03-18 [Figgy]: Isabelle is in the elevator now, behind closed doors, so she can't be seen.

2013-03-19 [ZeoOfFire]: Lol, that awkward moment where I had forgotten Catherine was Scottish...
D'oh well, not hugely an issue. :P

2013-03-19 [CuteCommander]: :P Shows how well I read character bios!

2013-03-19 [ZeoOfFire]: I try to when I first meet people, just in case I'm casually saying "Hi" to someone who's bright pink, on fire and farts rainbows.
But when it comes to background stuff, I skim, and even forget my own.


2013-03-20 [ZeoOfFire]: I'm a bad person. :P
Posting out of limbo now.

2013-03-22 [Duredhel]: Zeo didnt' post 8<

2013-03-22 [ZeoOfFire]: Doo doo doo, doing the limboooooooo
Posting now

2013-03-22 [Duredhel]: yay XD

2013-03-22 [ZeoOfFire]: Ah, was so much to respond to. Took me ages to think. :S

2013-03-22 [Figgy]: ... Daniela >_>

2013-03-22 [ZeoOfFire]: Dammit. Edited.

2013-03-23 [Duredhel]: Moving people down so we don't get stuck :D

2013-03-25 [ZeoOfFire]: I just posted down in Center 1st immediately, just so y'all know.

2013-03-25 [Figgy]: Shouldn't there be a post here with Catherine stepping into the elevator?

2013-03-25 [Haunted Fate]: Aaaaand, I need to wait for Shana, correct? ;A;

2013-03-25 [Duredhel]: You really need to post Catherine getting into the elevator and a link to the first floor :O. There's a reason for that, since otherwise people might think she's still in the area. Links to other pages need to be done whenever your character enters AND leaves an area without exception, since it's the best way for everyone to know if a character has left or has arrived somewhere.

You don't necesarilly need to wait right now, Haunted, I don't think so, at least. It'd be up to figgs :>

2013-03-25 [Figgy]: It's up to you. I can accommodate either way. I'll hopefully be posting tonight though.

2013-03-25 [Haunted Fate]: I was just wondering since Lillium and Catherine are about to branch anyway. But just wanted to make sure first. :3

2013-03-25 [Duredhel]: Making sure first is always good.

2013-03-25 [Figgy]: Hint, hint.

2013-03-25 [ZeoOfFire]: Righty oh, will post her into the elevator too.

2013-03-25 [Haunted Fate]: Yessss. Post my roomie in here! DO EEET

2013-03-25 [ZeoOfFire]: Done and done.

2013-08-11 [Duredhel]: Gotta wait on Olivio post now :>

2013-08-12 [ancienteye]: Ack! Alot happened on this page this weekend, huh? XD I can't get on weekends for a while, sorry!

2013-08-14 [Duredhel]: Sorry I took so long to post, Ancient XD, there we go.

2013-08-14 [Duredhel]: Dunno if we should wait for Lexi or keep posting ><

2013-08-15 [twitchboy]: YAY LEXI POST!

2013-08-15 [Duredhel]: Yay XD. Danipost now, then.

2013-08-15 [twitchboy]: I love playing young Lexi, all i have to do is imagine a puppy or a five year old in the same situation and bam instant Lexi just add water

2013-08-15 [ancienteye]: XD

2013-08-15 [Duredhel]: There :>

2013-08-15 [Duredhel]: yay! It's moving! The Rp is moving :D!

2013-08-15 [The Black Goat]: except at the hangar.......

2013-08-15 [Flisky]: Screw it, posting in the hangar.

2013-08-15 [The Black Goat]: it won't get me anywhere lol, sasaiyas trying to be social with rene

2013-08-15 [Figgy]: GROOOAAAANNNN

2013-08-15 [Duredhel]: Ancient :O Dani mentioned where they should meet.

2013-08-15 [ancienteye]: .< Sorry. That happens...

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